A Step In Time
6th & 8th November 2013, AR2, Students' Union
With songs from the modern day and going all the way back to the turn of the century, MTB took a step in time and performed musical favourites such as songs from 'Once' to 'Guys and Dolls' and 'Les Misérables'.
Jack Reitman
Julia Sequeira
Mary-Clare Ridge
Abigail Le Fevre
Rachel Thomas
Natalie Yeap
Sam Leggett
Jamie Rahman
Ross Hoey
Ellie Jackson
Charlie Stott
L-J Keston
Holly Wellington
Hannah Kendall
Merryl Ansah
Ella Martin
David Lowe
Marie Phillips
Ally Watson
Hayley Guest
Luke Ward
India Marlow-Prince
Kaitlin Farnfield
Vanessa Shields
Harrison Clark
Rory Hill
Owen Petty
Director/Producer- Hannah Armstrong
Director/Producer - Genevieve Morris
Musical Director - Lydia Bell
Poster design - Hannah Armstrong
Piano - Paddy Pamment
Bass - Joe Brown
Guitar - Russ Machin
Drums - George Jones
Flute - Rosa Attree
Saxophone - Georgia King